” Have you ever questioned yourself that whenever you need to buy something for GIRLS you prefer PINK & FLORALS but why BLUE/BLACK or SOLID for BOYS ? ” Because someone ages ago thought it would be a great idea to distinguish gender this way by drawing a line between Feminine and Masculine . ” Remember the days when we all were growing up and boys were taught to be tough and strong while girls should act & behave fragile like a delicate flower?” It’s people who gave colours to their own genders. Following the same uniformity, we have seen our grandparents and parents following this and it is strange to think how we have arranged specific colours and prints for different genders. ALERT! NO GENDER STEREOTYPE, HOW WOMEN & MEN ARE CHOOSING TO DRESS-UP “Have you noticed, if you caught any of your male friends or stranger with a pink shirt or anything pinkish in accessories, wouldn’t the statement “So girlish HE is looking” come to your mind or maybe you did jeer...